
itsy bitsy bandeaus

Swimsuit season is something most girls have a love/hate relationship with. On the one hand, an entire category of clothing opens up for our retail indulgence and shopping delight. On the other hand, stripping down to nothing more than a lycra hanky after a winter that saw little sunshine and even less of a razor can be a nauseating experience — especially underneath the merciless glow of fluorescent lights.

One of the most challenging bikini silhouettes? The bandeau.
One of my absolute favorite bikini silhouettes? Also the bandeau. (Even if Michael does say it looks "horizontally restricting"...)

A few years ago, thanks to my pals birth control and hypothyroidism, I had to bypass the strapless styles and stick to the more uh... supportive options. Since then I'm off the Pill and hormonally balanced and have a significantly smaller bust to show for it. Though I may be the minority here, I prefer it this way. Now I can wear a low-cut shirt without screaming CLEAVAGE!!! to everyone who walks by, but more importantly, I have transitioned into the baby-boobies segment of girls that spend their summer frolicking around in bandeau bikinis. There is just something very free spirited and youthful about this type of swimsuit that is quintessentially summer to me. That being said, I firmly believe that people should dress by their body type and not by the trends, and this is one situation where this rule should be followed closely. There is nothing cute about under-boob or sagging or spillage or any of the other tragedies that accompany ill-fitting bandeaus. So if you've got the goods, you should probably stick to halters or underwire tops — but for my fellow flat-chested femmes, dive in to these strapless numbers. Well, actually it's probably best if you don't dive... since, y'know, there aren't any ties to hold your top on and all.

The bikini above is one of my favorites! It's from Target. I love that it has a nautical vibe without conforming to the typical color scheme of red and navy. I'm pretty sure it's sold out, unless you happen upon it in a store, but you can get it on eBay! Here's one auction for it.

Victoria's Secret
Trina Turk — Revolve Clothing
Old Navy
Juicy Couture — ASOS
Tavik — Nasty Gal
Victoria's Secret
Tavik — Revolve Clothing
Victoria's Secret
Marc by Marc Jacobs — Shopbop
Victoria's Secret
Mara Hoffman — Largo Drive
Agent Provocateur — Net-A-Porter
Moschino — ASOS
Red Carter — Delia's
Victoria's Secret
Mara Hoffman — Neiman Marcus
Victoria's Secret
Insight — 80s Purple


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